Welcome to Tauwhao Te Ngare Trust

Nau mai, haere mai ki te paetukutuku o Tauwhao Te Ngare Trust.

Tauwhao Te Ngare Trust would like to welcome all visitors to the Trust's website.

Tauwhao Te Ngare Trust is an Ahuwhenua Trust established from amalgamated land blocks on Rangiwaea Island, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. Setup in 1982, the Trust owns and manages business interests in horticulture, agriculture and forestry.

Tauwhao Te Ngare Trust is owned by over 2200 individuals and Whanau trusts. All shareholders have whakapapa back to Rangiwaea Island.

The trust has grown dramatically in the last 30 years and over the last decade has been able to deliver the benefits envisioned by the original owners and trustees. With a sustained distribution of profits over the last four years, and a history of education and community grants, the Trust is building a strong reputation of delivering to shareholders.

Find more information in this website about the Trust, its activities, the people involved and recen
t and future events.

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