Tauwhao Te Ngare Trust Grants

Tauwhao Te Ngare Trust provides a number of different grants to groups and individuals each year. 


To provide fixed sum financial assistance to:
A.     Beneficiaries of Tauwhao Te Ngare Trust who are undertaking higher education.
B.     Kaumatua beneficiaries of Tauwhao Te Ngare Trust.
C.     Beneficiary families who have a tangihanga.
D.     The wider community including, but not exclusive to Tauwhao Te Ngare Trust.
E.      Beneficiaries who are competing in sports events as Regional or New Zealand representatives.
As described above.
·                 Applicants are deemed eligible if they are shareholders or descendants of shareholders.
·                 Where the volume of applications in any one year exceeds the capped allocation of funds, the Trust reserves the right to implement a set of selection criteria.


Horticulture Education Grants will be made available to eligible shareholder applicants who enrol in a Horticulture Industry Training Programme in the Bay of Plenty. Cost of fees and any associated travel costs will be met by this Education Grant as needed, from the date of enrolment. The Trust will fund up to 2 trainees at Diploma level, and up to 4 trainees at Certificate level, in any one financial year.

Additional Requirements
  • General Education Grants will be awarded to eligible applicants in their second year of tertiary (or similar) study, providing the applicant can prove a successful first year of study and supply an invoice for the current year of study. 
  • The amount of the grant will be equivalent to the cost of one paper - specific to the course of study. (e.g. second year Health Sciences about $1,000 per paper; second year BCom/BA, about $800, Dentistry over $2000 per paper.
  • Where the volume of applications in any one year exceeds the capped allocation of funds, the Trust reserves the right to implement a set of selection criteria.


Applicants are 65 years of age or older by 31 December of the year preceding the application and can apply for a:
·                   Kaumātua General Grant
·                   Kaumātua Health Grant. Actual costs up to $500 (total) per year, will be reimbursed to eligible kaumātua, on production of a receipt for expenses incurred for the following: Sight (Testing, glasses, contact lenses); Hearing (Testing, aids); Dental (visits, dentures). The receipt must be in the name of the Kaumātua.


  • Grants for the community will be determined on a case by case basis by the Trust.  Past practise and available funds will inform each decision.


$500 per tangihanga.  The deceased must be an owner or a descendant of an owner.

Tertiary Education Grant

Tauwhao Te Ngare tertiary education grant assistance is available from your second year of study onwards. You must be undertaking full time study at a recognised tertiary institution and .... of course be a beneficial owner or a descendant of a beneficial owner.

Applications for 2025 are open, Click here for an application form

Note: The applications close 30th June 2025 and you will be notified by the end of July 2025 if you are successful.

Please note: If you are a Horticulture student or interested in studying Horticulture in the future, contact Coralie Gardiner in the first instance.

For any further enquires contact Coralie Gardiner 07 578 1045 or via email coralie@tauwhaotrust.co.nz


 Kaumatua Health Grant

Kaumatua Health Grants are available to owners or descendants of an owner in Tauwhao Te Ngare Trust.  Applicants must be 65 years of age or older (at 31 December each year).

The Grant is for actual costs up to $500.00 (total) per year will be reimbursed either to:

1) eligible kaumatua on production of a receipt for expenses incurred for the following: Sight (testing, glasses, contacts); Hearing (testing, aids); Dental (visits, dentures).  The receipt must be in the name of the kaumatua.

2) the approved service provider on receipt of an invoice.

Click here for kaumatua health grant application form


Koroua / Kuia Grant

Kaumatua Grants are available to owners or descendants of an owner in Tauwhao Te Ngare Trust.  Applicants must be 65 years of age or older (at 31 December each year).  

Koroua / Kuia grants for 2024 are now closed.  Applications will open again after the 2025 AGM.


When applying for grant all applicants need to provide a bank deposit form to ensure the bank account number is current and correct.

First time applicants must provide proof of their date of birth ie: copy of drivers licence, passport or birth certificate.


 Community Grants

Requests for community grants can be made in writing to the Trustees, details of the event and timelines must be included in your correspondence.

 Tangihanga Grant

The deceased must be an owner or descendant of an owner in the Trust.  Please complete the form below if you wish to apply for a Tangihanga Grant.  The amount of the grant is $500.00.


 Sports Grant

 We welcome applications from shareholders and their descendants who are representing their region or Aotearoa in a recognised sport.  Amounts given will vary, depending on the level of representation, and where the event is being held.

Click here for an application form

If you wish to receive a hard copy of any of the above application forms please email Coralie Gardiner at coralie@tauwhaotrust.co.nz or call the Trust office on 07 5781045. 


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